My project about the Berlin subway

May 1, 2018 | News

I have invented the concept of “The Mental Origami Therapy”, which means that you can transform every unpleasant thing of your life into something beautiful.CandelaPan. OrigamiMental

Have you ever taken the subway in Berlin? If yes, did you have the feeling you were the only normal person in the wagon? I take it everyday and it’s WILD. Especially the line U8.

This urban safari and the mad phenomena that happens there have inspired me to write short stories and paint illustrations. This way I reached the illumination to create my new life concept (The Mental Origami Therapy) that has made me much happier and my new project “Bestiario de la U8 y otras líneas” (Bestiary of the U8 and other lines).
I write the stories in Spanish, but someday they will be translated into German.


I made a little presentation in the latin bookstore “Andenbuch” in Berlin (March 2018) and brought some examples of my work.

CandelaPan1   CandelaPan2CandelaPan3

It was fantastic, many people felt identified with my stories because they live in Berlin and know what I’m talking about.

I have a lot of material, many experiences to tell. Just wait until the captivating disgust and the charisma of Berlin’s Subway makes you want to come visit it.
Here one of my stories:




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